Trillium News

"Ecuador Oil Contamination Spawns Turmoil at Chevron Annual Meeting"

On May 26, 2010, Shelley Alpern, Trillium’s Director of ESG Research and Shareholder Advocacy, attended Chevron’s annual shareholder meeting. Trillium was a co-filer of a resolution which called for the company to appoint a director with environmental expertise.  Chevron’s management denied entry to over 25 legal proxy holders.
“I attend several shareholder meetings every year and I have never seen a company deny entry to legal proxy holders. This is outrageous and reflects very poorly on our company’s respect for laws that govern our proxy process. The shareholders in attendance today should stand forewarned not to say anything critical or it could be you next year,” Alpern said.
Click here to read the full article on Environmental News Service.