Trillium News As Fossil Fuel Divestment Grows, Cleantech Offers Opportunities for Investors, which bills itself as “the largest personal finance site devoted to socially responsible investing”, is publishing a three-part series on the growing fossil fuel divestment campaign.

In the second article in the series, Robert Kropp writes:

“A divestment guide published by, Green Century Capital Management, and Trillium Asset Management outlines steps for investors to take to ensure their portfolios are fossil [fuel] free.

But as the guide points out, divestment is only the first step for investors. Environmental and financial opportunities present as well for those who reinvest in companies providing goods and services that contribute to reducing the threats of climate change. “In a recent survey, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that greener industries are growing faster than the overall economy,” the guide states. “In fact, according to the BLS from 2010–2011 green jobs grew at a rate of 4.9%, almost four times the rate of overall jobs…”

You can read the entire article here.