Trillium News

NY Times: Verizon Publishes First Transparency Report on Data Requests

The New York Times recently ran an article about Verizon Communications’ publication of a Privacy Transparency report.

Brian X. Chen writes:

“…In November, Trillium Asset Management, the activist investment firm, filed a shareholder resolution pressuring Verizon to publish a transparency report. In response to the report published on Wednesday, Jonas Kron, a senior vice president of Trillium, said he had yet to review the details of the report thoroughly, but was pleased with the progress.

“Our goal in filing the shareholder proposal was to persuade companies to be issuing transparency reports. We’ve accomplished that goal,” he said. “We’ve now moved to this point of getting down to the details of what these reports contain and what the oversight is actually going to look like.”

Mr. Kron said he hoped that other carriers, including Sprint, would follow suit.”

You can read the entire article here.