Trillium News

Extracting Fossil Fuels from Your Portfolio: A Guide to Personal Divestment and Reinvestment

Extracting Cover, Green Century Capital Management and Trillium Asset Management have recently published an updated edition of Extracting Fossil Fuels from Your Portfolio℠: A Guide to Personal Divestment and Reinvestment.
The frequency and severity of extreme weather systems continue to impact the lives of people around the globe and increasingly in our own communities.  Many investors are becoming acutely aware of the presence of fossil fuel companies in their own portfolios and want to transition their investments away from the industry that is principally responsible for causing a changing climate.

“If it’s wrong to wreck the climate, then it’s wrong to profit from that wreckage.” said Bill McKibben, co-founder of “Investors have an important and special role to play in the climate change movement.  I hope this guide will help you find yours.”
The guide, which aims to help individuals better understand fossil fuel divestment, provides clear steps to move your money out of coal, oil, and gas companies, and give tips on how to proactively invest in sustainable companies and investment vehicles.
“Once divested, funds can then be reinvested in companies that are identifying new market opportunities related to clean energy and the move to a more sustainable economy. These companies will be the beneficiaries as the incentives change to support a low-carbon future.” concluded Matthew W. Patsky, CEO of Trillium Asset Management.
We hope this guide and the resources in the appendix are used by investors to educate themselves, their family and friends, or their financial planner to go fossil fuel free.