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Trillium’s Q4 2015 Market Commentary & Advocacy Highlights Available for Download

January 20, 2016: Trillium’s Q4 2015 Economic & Market Commentary and Shareholder Advocacy Highlights are now available to download.
Economic & Market Outlook 2015Q4 Cover“2015 was a year of contradictions and noise, along with a highly concentrated and narrowly-focused market. Oil prices dropped throughout the year, with West Texas Intermediate oil ending the quarter at $37 per barrel, down 18% for the quarter, extending the 23% decline in the third quarter, and down 39% for the year. This steep decline in energy prices slowed economic growth worldwide…”
You can download Trillium’s entire Economic & Market Commentary here.

“During the second half of 2015 Trillium filed shareholder proposals with over three dozen companies, asking them to adopt more sustainable business practices, to address their social impacts and improve their governance. We opened some new avenues of advocacy and had many successful dialogues…”
You can download Trillium’s entire Shareholder Advocacy Update here.