Trillium’s Q1 Economic and Market Outlook Available for Download
APRIL 19, 2016: While U.S. economic growth continues to be persistently slow, including two quarters of negative economic growth during the recent post-financial crisis period, we have managed to avoid a full-fledged economic recession. In contrast, Europe has slipped into recession three times since 2009 and Japan has had negative economic growth in 11 out of 24 quarters since 2009.
The volatility of the last few months can be traced to four major issues which are all interconnected: 1.) sluggish worldwide economic growth 2.) a change in the composition of China’s economic growth 3.) the fall in global energy prices, and 4.) the differing pace of the U.S. economic recovery, as compared to the rest of the world.
You can download our entire Q1 2016 Economic & Market Outlook here.