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Trillium’s Q2 2016 Market Commentary & Q1/Q2 2016 Advocacy Highlights Available

Trillium Economic & Market Outlook
July 15, 2016: Trillium’s Q2 2016 Market Commentary & Q1/Q2 Shareholder Advocacy Highlights are now available to download.
“The U.S. economic outlook is stronger than current market sentiment and bond yields indicate.  U.S. economic growth continues to be solid, even if slow.  Job creation is slowing, as would be expected as the economy nears full employment; the current unemployment rate of 4.9% is the lowest since 2007.  We are slightly less positive about anticipated equity returns than in prior quarters, due to the higher level of uncertainty resulting from the Brexit vote, and our concerns about the persistent low inflation, low interest rate, and low growth environment.”
You can download our entire Q2 2016 Economic & Market Outlook here.
Highlights snip“The first half of every year is a busy time for Trillium’s advocacy team.  We finish many of our core engagements from the prior year and begin planning strategy for the following spring season.  Methane emissions, workplace diversity, renewable energy, and LGBT rights continue to be key themes as we ask companies to adopt sustainable business practices that address stakeholder concerns and ultimately create shareholder value.”
You can download our entire Q1/Q2 2016 Shareholder Advocacy Highlights here.