Featured News Article

Trillium’s Sustainability Reporting Shareholder Proposal at Middleby Receives 44.6% Vote

May 17, 2017 // Boston, MA – Shareholders sent a strong message to The Middleby Corporation’s (Middleby) management as 44.6% voted in favor of Trillium’s shareholder proposal, filed on behalf of our clients, on sustainability reporting and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions.
Specifically, we requested Middleby shareholders vote in favor of our shareholder proposal which asked the company to:
“…issue a sustainability report describing the company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies, performance, and improvement targets, including a discussion of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions management strategies and quantitative metrics.”
This outcome sends a very strong signal to the company’s management that shareholders value disclosure related to its management of material environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities. We intend to use this strong vote result to catalyze a conversation with management that will lead to meaningful disclosures this year.


For more information: Caroline White, Trillium Asset Management, cwhite@trilliuminvest.com
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