Trillium News SRI Groups Appear To Be The Most Active Investors recently published an article about corporate engagement in the Sustainable and Responsible Investing industry.

Michael Ide writes:

“…Trillium Asset Management, which had the highest percent VAM (votes against management) and $1.5 billion AUM, was unsurprised to learn that they voted against management more than half the time, or that they were one of the most vocal investors that a company might have to work with. Trillium actively engages management on environmental issues, privacy concerns, disclosure and accountability for political donations, and more. It is also stringent on compensation packages.

‘We have high standards on remuneration, and draw a hard line in the sand in that we will not support a pay package over $7 million,” says Trillium Asset Management senior vice president Jonas Kron. “We also look for boards to have at least 20% diversity, including gender and racial diversity.’”

You can read the entire article here.