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UNFI Expands EEO Policy to Include Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Employees

JULY 24, 2015: Following a productive dialogue between Trillium Asset Management (Trillium) and United Natural Foods (Nasdaq: UNFI), the company has expanded its Equal Opportunity Employment policy to explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Trillium believes that companies and workers benefit from consistent, corporate-wide, efforts to prevent discrimination, ensuring a respectful and supportive atmosphere for all employees.
United Natural Foods now joins the growing ranks of companies who are providing protections for their gay, lesbian and bisexual employees. Trillium is pleased that the company has formally taken this important step toward workplace equality which, in our view, is linked to long-term shareholder value creation.
The Supreme Court’s recent ruling guarantees to same-sex couples throughout the nation the freedom to marry and the right to recognition of their marriages. However, there is no federal law that consistently protects LGBT individuals from employment discrimination.
Trillium commends United Natural Foods for improving its efforts to prevent workplace discrimination.


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