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Trillium and 365 Companies Reaffirm Support for Paris Climate Agreement

Boston, MA// November 22, 2016: Trillium Asset Management along with approximately 365 businesses and investors have organized a statement urging the incoming Trump administration and global leaders to continue support of the Paris Climate Agreement. The statement was announced at a press conference during the COP22 climate negotiations last week in Marrakech, Morocco.
low-carbon-logoSignatories of the statement range from Fortune 500 firms such as Unilever, a multinational consumer goods company, to smaller organizations such as As You Sow, a nonprofit organization that promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through the tools of shareholder advocacy.
“The enormous momentum generated by the business and investment community to address climate change cannot be reversed and cannot be ignored by the Trump administration. That train has left the station and to stand in its way is folly,” said Matt Patsky, CEO of Trillium Asset Management. “Nevertheless, we know that now is the time to remind the incoming administration that virtually every company in the Fortune 500 and over $100 trillion in investor assets has acknowledged the reality of climate change and the need to address it head on.”
The agreement, adopted on December 12, 2015 in Paris, France, was a historic step towards minimizing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and increasing investment in support of a low carbon economy. In recognition of our firm’s shareholder engagement on key climate issues over the past three decades, Trillium Asset Management was invited to attend the Paris Agreement Signature Ceremony in April 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. As responsible investors, we continue to support policy that mitigates the global risks of climate change.
Find additional coverage by clicking the links below:
NPR News: http://n.pr/2fZAfMz
Ceres: http://bit.ly/2gGnRGK
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