Trillium News

Trillium Asset Management Discloses 2004 Proxy Votes(A)

With the majority of company annual meetings for 2004 behind us, Trillium Asset Management has posted information on how we voted on hundred of items included on companies’ proxy ballots this spring. Click here for information about our proxy voting guidelines and our actual proxy voting record for the first half of 2004 and for all of last year.
As part of our commitment to proxy voting, Trillium Asset Management has a long history of communicating with clients about our voting guidelines and actual votes. This fall, we’ll begin to have more company making disclosures like this as mutual funds face new federal requirements to disclose their policies for voting proxies and their voting records. We believe that too many investment managers and traditional mutual funds have failed to responsibly vote their clients proxies, either by not voting at all or always voting exclusively with managements’ recommended positions. Using the new disclosure requirements, the Social Investment Forum and other groups plan to analyze how traditional mutual funds voted proxies on key issues such as global warming. We’ll report their findings on our website and in future issues of our newsletter, Investing for a Better World.