Trillium News

Charlotte News Observer Op-Ed: Time for Private Purchases of Renewable Power

The Charlotte News Observer published an Op-Ed, authored by Trillium’s CEO Matt Patsky, which advocates for the expansion of private sector solutions to financing renewable energy in North Carolina.
“Five years ago, North Carolina became the first state in the Southeast to set a renewable energy and efficiency standard… Strong renewable energy standards like North Carolina’s are helping to build up supply chains and keep energy jobs here on our shores.
…[C]ompanies are increasingly entering into long-term power purchase agreements with renewable energy developers. This way, they get the power they want – often solar panels installed right on their own rooftops – without the financial and technical burden of owning and maintaining the panels themselves.
Unfortunately, this private sector solution to financing renewable energy is currently forbidden in North Carolina… Why should state law stand in the way of letting a business or homeowner use the free market to choose which electric power to buy?
If North Carolina wants to draw more businesses to the state – businesses that are committed to renewable power – it should remove this barrier to free enterprise and local energy…”
You can read Matt’s entire column here.