Lamb Weston Set to Provide Pesticide Use Measures After Shareholder Proposal Secures 34% Support
Boston, MA //October 8, 2019: Lamb Weston (NTSE: LW) spun out of Conagra in 2016 to become a leading global distributor of frozen potatoes, sweet potatoes and other vegetable products. The company’s sustainability efforts are comprehensive in their reach across its entire supply chain, but with the exception of setting a water reduction goal, we found that the company had very few meaningful metrics for assessing its sustainable agriculture performance. In fall 2018, we asked management to describe and report on any plans to strengthen sustainable agriculture reporting, specifically related to pesticide use. Our concern comes at a time when …
Trillium Recognized as 2019 B Corporation Best for the World Overall Honoree
237 Honorees Worldwide Honored for Meeting the Highest Standards of Social and Environmental Performance in Business Trillium Asset Management and 236 companies worldwide, were recognized by B Lab on its seventh annual ‘Best for the World Overall’ Honoree list, the highest B Lab designation, for generating positive social and environmental impact through business practices and performance. Every year, B Lab, a non-profit organization helping companies manage corporate social responsibility, recognizes businesses that have earned an overall score in the top 10% of approximately 2,500 Certified B Corporations on the B Impact Assessment. The assessment analyzes a company’s contributions to community …
Pensions & Investments Op-Ed: Stronger partnership needed between shareholders, managers
On September 2nd, Pension & Investments published a commentary authored by Trillium Asset Management’s Senior Vice President Jonas Kron, and US SIF’s CEO Lisa Woll titled, “Stronger partnership needed between shareholders, managers” in response to the Business Roundtable’s stakeholder statement. Read the full commentary below and online here. Commentary: Stronger partnership needed between shareholders, managers Lost in many responses to the Business Roundtable statement Aug. 19 that companies have a “fundamental commitment” to all their stakeholders is a simple fact: Structurally speaking, there are two primary regions of power in a company: shareholders and managers. And both of them need …
Trillium’s Elizabeth Levy Featured in Video: How Top Asset Managers Stay Ahead of the Pack
In May, we published a story, linked here, celebrating our All Cap Core Strategy’s Envestnet award for Impact SMA of 2019. Think Advisor and Envestnet have since created a video, How Top Asset Managers Stay Ahead of the Pack, showcasing the various category award winners including our very own Elizabeth Levy, Portfolio Manager of the All Cap Core Strategy. Watch to gain some insight into Trillium’s ability to perform during times of volatility on Think Advisor’s website here: ## Disclosure: The awards are not indicative of the future performance of the ACC or SMID strategies or Trillium Asset …
Letter to Lamb Weston Shareholders: Vote Yes for Pesticide Use Disclosure
Boston, MA // August 26, 2019 Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: LW) urging holders of record to vote in favor of a shareholder proposal on the company’s 2019 proxy ballot. The shareholder proposal (Item #4 on the proxy) asks the company to disclose at regular intervals, at reasonable expense and omitting proprietary or privileged information, available quantitative metrics on pesticide use in the company’s supply chain, and how pesticide use impacts pollinators. Spun off from ConAgra foods in 2016, Lamb Weston is a global supplier of frozen potato, sweet potato, …
PNC Financial Services stops financing private prisons
This spring, we learned that one of the companies in Trillium’s strategies, PNC Financial Services, is one of ten leading financing partners of private prison companies CoreCivic and Geo Group. While we are invested in PNC in part because of its commitments to sustainable business practices and efforts to serve its communities, we were greatly concerned about this news; private prisons are rife with alleged human rights abuses. As noted in recent reports and lawsuits, allegations include inmate deaths, poor medical care, allegations of physical and sexual abuse of detainees and violence.[1] Some of these risks are heightened due to …
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