Information for Discovery Communications Shareholders Regarding Our Board Diversity Proposal
May 13, 2016: Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of Discovery Communications (NASDAQ:DISCA) urging them to vote in favor of our Board Diversity proposal. The proposal is co-led by Calvert Investments, Mercy Investment Services and Trillium Asset Management, and appears as item #3 on the company’s 2016 proxy card*. Shareholders will vote on the proposal at the Discovery Communications annual meeting, which takes place on May 19, 2016. Numerous studies have underscored the nexus between greater board diversity, and improved corporate governance and financial performance, yet no women currently serve on Discovery Communication’s board. Shareholders are requesting: …
Trillium Welcomes Final EPA Rules Regulating Methane Emissions
MAY 12, 2016: Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published its final rules for reducing emissions of methane from new and modified sources in the oil and natural gas industry. For years, investors have pressed companies to reduce their methane emissions with proven, cost effective, technologies and have supported intelligent policy solutions to cut methane waste. Recently, $3.6 trillion in investors spoke up in support of the Obama Administration’s methane policy announcements. These new rules are expected to reduce 510,000 short tons of methane in 2025, the equivalent of reducing 11 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. We believe this rule …
Akamai Commits to Significant Renewable Energy Goals
MAY 12, 2016: Trillium Asset Management is pleased to announce that it has successfully withdrawn its renewable energy shareholder proposal at Akamai Technologies (Nasdaq: AKAM) following a commitment from the company to set quantitative renewable energy goals. Akamai has announced it will source renewable energy for 50% of its network operations by 2020. By setting this goal, Akamai is demonstrating its proactive approach to reducing exposure to volatile energy prices, enhancing U.S. energy security, and meeting the global need for cleaner energy. Renewable energy is a critical tool in managing and reducing a company’s emissions and will help Akamai meet its …
Trillium’s LGBT Non-Discrimination Proposal at JB Hunt Receives Majority Vote
MAY 11, 2016: Shareholders sent a strong message to J.B. Hunt (NASDAQ: JBHT) management as 54.7% voted in favor of Trillium’s LGBT non-discrimination shareholder proposal at the company’s recent annual meeting. J.B. Hunt’s management advised shareholders to vote against our proposal which simply asks the company to: “…amend its written equal employment opportunity policy to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and to take concrete action to implement the policy.” Federal law does not provide employment discrimination protection based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Nor do 27 states, including Arkansas where J.B. Hunt is …
Christiana Figueres, Top UN Authority on Climate Change, Wins 2016 Joan Bavaria Award
MAY 5, 2016 // BOSTON, MA: Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), has been awarded the Joan Bavaria Award for Building Sustainability into the Capital Markets. The announcement was made today at the 2016 Ceres Conference, which is being held in Boston, Mass. The award is given by Ceres and Trillium Asset Management each year to honor an inspiring leader working to move capital markets toward a system that balances economic prosperity with social and environmental concerns. The groups selected Figueres as this year’s recipient for her leadership in bringing together …
Trillium Successfully Withdraws Minimum Wage Shareholder Proposal at Panera Bread
APRIL 26, 2016: Trillium Asset Management (Trillium) is pleased to announce the successful withdrawal of our shareholder proposal at Panera Bread (NYSE: PNRA), following a commitment from the company to conduct a review of employee benefits, compensation and wages. The shareholder proposal, which was co-filed by Calvert Investments and Dominican Sisters of Houston, asked the company to address the national debate about minimum wage reform. Income inequality is recognized as an economy-wide problem with a dampening effect on U.S. economic growth. Until the early 1980s, an annual minimum-wage income – after adjusting for inflation – was above the poverty line …
Trillium Leads Investors Worth $3.6Tr Supporting Joint U.S. and Canadian Limits on Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Industry
Doubling of support comes as nations gather in New York City to sign the Paris Climate Agreement APRIL 21, 2016 // BOSTON, MA: As attention turns to the Paris Agreement signing ceremony on Friday, leading global investors representing $3.6 trillion in assets under management released a statement of support today for U.S. and Canadian efforts to limit methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. This represents a doubling of support since July 2015. “As widely diversified, long-term investors with holdings in the oil and gas industry, we share a vested interest in the industry’s long-term success,” says the statement, …
Trillium Invited to Attend Signing of Paris Climate Agreement
APRIL 20, 2016: In recognition of our firm’s shareholder engagement on climate issues over the past three decades, Trillium Asset Management has been invited to attend the Paris Agreement Signature Ceremony which will take place on Earth Day, April 22, 2016, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Paris Agreement, which was adopted on December 12, 2015, is an historic step to combat climate change. Agreed to by 195 countries, the goal is to limit a rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels – in this century. The Agreement also aims to strengthen the …
Trillium’s Q1 Economic and Market Outlook Available for Download
APRIL 19, 2016: While U.S. economic growth continues to be persistently slow, including two quarters of negative economic growth during the recent post-financial crisis period, we have managed to avoid a full-fledged economic recession. In contrast, Europe has slipped into recession three times since 2009 and Japan has had negative economic growth in 11 out of 24 quarters since 2009. The volatility of the last few months can be traced to four major issues which are all interconnected: 1.) sluggish worldwide economic growth 2.) a change in the composition of China’s economic growth 3.) the fall in global energy prices, …
Information for Citigroup Shareholders Regarding our Gender Pay Disparity Shareholder Proposal
APRIL 18, 2016: Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of Citigroup (NYSE: C) urging them to vote in favor of our Gender Pay Disparity proposal, which appears as item #6 on the company’s 2016 proxy card. The financial services sector is routinely found to have one of the widest gaps in pay by gender relative to other parts of the economy. Despite women making up nearly one third of the financial services workforce, on average women earn significantly less than their male colleagues. Shareholders are requesting that: “…Citigroup prepare a report by September 2016, omitting proprietary information …
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