Starbucks Corp– Workers Rights Commitment (2023)
Resolved: Shareholders urge the Board of Directors to commission and oversee an independent, third-party assessment of Starbucks’ adherence to its stated commitment to workers’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights, as contained in the International Labour Organization’s Core Labor Standards and as explicitly referenced in the company’s Global Human Rights Statement. The assessment should apply to Starbucks’ direct and licensed operations and address management non-interference when employees exercise their right to form or join a trade union, as well as any steps to remedy practices inconsistent with Starbucks’ stated commitments. The assessment, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting legally privileged, …
Apple, Inc. – Workers Rights Assessment (2023)
Resolved: Shareholders urge the Board of Directors to commission and oversee an independent, third-party assessment of Apple’s adherence to its stated commitment to workers’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights as contained in the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and explicitly referenced in Apple’s Human Rights Policy. The assessment should apply to Apple’s direct and licensed operations and address management non-interference when employees exercise their right to form or join a trade union as well as steps to remedy any practices inconsistent …
Citigroup – Gender Pay Disparity – 2016
Whereas: The median income for a woman working full time in the United States is reported to be 78 percent of that of their male counterparts. This gap has largely remained flat over the past decade. The financial services sector is routinely found to have one of the widest gaps in pay by gender relative to other parts of the economy. Despite women making up nearly one third of the financial services workforce, women on average earn less than their male colleagues. The persistence of gender pay disparity is evident through the numerous lawsuits brought at major financial services firms. …
American Express – Gender Pay Inequality – 2016
Whereas: The median income for a woman working full time in the United States is reported to be 78 percent of that of their male counterparts. This gap has largely remained flat over the past decade. The financial services sector is routinely found to have one of the widest gaps in pay by gender relative to other parts of the economy. Despite women making up nearly one third of the financial services workforce, women on average earn less than their male colleagues. The persistence of gender pay disparity is evident through the numerous lawsuits brought at major financial services firms. …
J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. – Pay Disparity Report (2010)
WHEREAS Recent events have increased concerns about the extraordinarily high levels of executive compensation at many U.S. corporations. Concerns about the structure of executive compensation packages have also intensified, with some suggesting that the compensation system incentivized excessive risk-taking. In a Forbes article on Wall Street pay, the director of the Program on Corporate Governance at Harvard Law School noted that, “compensation policies will prove to be quite costly—excessively costly—to shareholders.” Another study by Glass Lewis & Co. declared that compensation packages for the most highly paid U.S. executives “have been so over-the-top that they have skewed the standards for …
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