Trillium’s Ongoing Pressure on Facebook Governance in the News
Jonas Kron, Director of Shareholder Advocacy, spoke on behalf of Trillium and the Park Foundation in support of Item Number 6, a proposal for an independent Facebook board chair. BBC and WSJ covered the preliminary outcomes of the vote. Keep updated here: ### Contact: Jonas Kron, Senior Vice President 503-894-7551 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The views expressed are those of the authors and Trillium as of the date referenced and are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of …
Statement of Trillium Asset Management In Support of Item Number 6: Independent Board Chair May 30, 2019 at Facebook’s Annual Meeting
Good morning Mr. Chairman, members of the board, fellow shareholders. My name is Jonas Kron and I am here on behalf of Trillium Asset Management and the Park Foundation to hereby move Item Number 6, seeking an independent board chair policy for Facebook. This proposal has been co-filed by the New York City Comptroller, the Treasurers of Illinois, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Oregon, and a multitude of smaller and faith based investors. At its core this shareholder proposal is about the risk of concentrating too much power in one person – any person. As proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis put …
Trillium’s Workforce Diversity Proposal at Travelers Receives Majority Vote
May 30, 2019 // Boston, MA: During the Travelers Companies (NYSE: TRV) May 22nd annual meeting, shareholders sent a strong message to the board to strengthen its workplace diversity reporting when Trillium’s shareholder proposal on workforce diversity received a 50.9% vote. This is the third consecutive year that the proposal has been filed and voted on by shareholders. More than one third of voting shareholders (36%) supported the proposal in both 2017 and 2018. The shareholder proposal asked Travelers to report comprehensive workforce diversity data and a description of policies/programs focused on increasing gender and racial diversity in the workplace. …
Matt Patsky Discusses ESG Integrated Investing on Bloomberg TV
Boston, MA—On Thursday, May 16th, Trillium’s CEO, Matt Patsky, was live from Boston’s Rose Kennedy Greenway participating in the sustainability segment of the Bloomberg Technology Boston Roadshow hosted by Bloomberg’s Carol Massar. Matt discussed various ESG related topics such as the common misconception regarding the integration of financial performance in the ESG investment process, the hopeful movement towards the standardization of ESG metrics, and a general trend in marketplace changes among fossil fuel dependent utility and energy companies. Watch the entire conversation here. ### IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE. The views expressed are those of the authors and Trillium Asset Management, LLC as …
Trillium Testifies in Support of Massachusetts Bill
Boston, MA—On May 14th, Trillium testified before the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture in support of proposed Massachusetts bill, H.832. This legislation is an aim to create a 2050 roadmap to a clean and thriving commonwealth that addresses climate protection, a growing sustainable economy, and climate change. Portfolio Manager Elizabeth Levy, who represented Trillium at the hearing, testified: “Chairwoman Gobi, Chairman Pignatelli, thank you for the opportunity to testify today in support of H. 832, an Act to create a 2050 roadmap to a clean and thriving Commonwealth. My name is Elizabeth Levy and I am Senior …
Trillium’s All Cap Core Honored as 2019 Impact SMA of the Year
May 02, 2019—Trillium is excited to announce that our All Cap Core (ACC) Strategy has received the Envestnet | PMC and Investment Advisor Magazine award for 2019 Top Asset Manager in the Impact Investing category. The impact investing award recognizes a “best-in-breed” performer that integrates Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into the investment process. The 15th annual Envestnet | PMC and Investment Advisor Magazine Top Asset Managers of 2019 award recognized investment strategies from different asset management firms across several asset classes. Elizabeth Levy, Trillium’s Portfolio Manager for the ACC strategy, emphasized her excitement for Trillium, “I’m very proud …
Trillium’s Executive Diversity Proposal at Newell Brands Receives Majority Vote
May 14, 2019 // Boston, MA: During the Newell Brand’s (NASDAQ: NWL) May 7th annual meeting, shareholders sent a strong message to the board to prioritize C-Suite diversity when Trillium’s shareholder proposal on executive diversity received a 56.6% vote. This record high vote, came the same week that investors and members of The Thirty Percent Coalition, sent a letter to the board urging them to publicly commit to creating a diverse pool of candidates when selecting a new Chief Executive Officer later this quarter. Following severe criticism leveled at CEO Michael Polk by activist investor Carl Icahn, the company announced …
Trillium’s Paul Hilton Speaks at Yale Student Conference for Corporate Responsibility
New Haven, CT – On April 13th, Trillium’s Paul Hilton spoke at The Student Conference for Corporate Responsibility at Yale University. The conference, hosted by The Intentional Endowments Network and the Yale-Dwight Hall SRI Fund, utilized speaker presentations, panel discussions, and action planning to broaden attendees’ understanding of financial ESG integration and shareholder engagement. Among the attendees were many student leaders from student-run sustainable investment funds from around the country. As a part of a panel of sustainable investment practitioners, Paul discussed Trillium’s approach to shareholder advocacy, specifically how our integrated approach to ESG combines advocacy and financial performance. The …
What is Gilead Trying to Hide?
The passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) permanently reduced the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent and eliminated provisions requiring companies pay taxes on money earned abroad. With these changes it is estimated that America’s largest corporations by market capitalization will receive a windfall of $150 billion.[1] Among these companies is Gilead which is estimated to have saved millions. However, we, as citizens and investors, have very little insight into how the Gilead or many other companies are spending this windfall. The tax cuts present Gilead with an opportunity to strengthen the bottom …
Investors Ask Newell Brands Board to Commit to Diversity When Selecting New CEO
May 6, 2019 Newell Brands Inc. Attention: Board of Directors, c/o Corporate Secretary 221 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 Dear Newell Board of Directors: The below investors are writing to urge you to make a public commitment to a diverse slate when selecting a new Chief Executive Officer to replace current CEO Michael Polk. The business case showing that diversity inclusive of gender, race, and ethnicity on boards in senior management and in the workforce is compelling. In particular, a growing body of research indicates a positive relationship between firm value and the percentage of women and minorities in …
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