Carbon Analysis: Risks and Opportunities in Trillium’s Sustainable Opportunities Strategy
DECEMBER 14, 2015: Trillium Asset Management recently engaged MSCI ESG Research to analyze the carbon-related characteristics of our Sustainable Opportunities Strategy, in comparison to a portfolio replicating a market benchmark. In addition to assessing the carbon footprint of the Strategy as of September 30, 2015, the MSCI analysis also leverages an extensive set of carbon risk management and exposure metrics, from fossil fuel reserves to clean technology investments. Assessing the carbon footprint of a portfolio is the first step in addressing the investment implications of climate change. MSCI ESG Research defines portfolio carbon footprint as the total carbon emissions of …
Home Depot Sets Significant Renewable Energy Goals
DECEMBER 7, 2015: Home Depot, the world’s largest hardware retailer, has established and recently published its first set of renewable energy goals. In its 2015 Sustainability Report the company has committed to produce 135MW of renewable energy annually. 100MW will come from wind and solar, and 35MW from fuel cells. Home Depot has joined a growing number of companies who are procuring renewable energy to power their businesses in an economic way. Home Depot’s report also includes goals to improve energy efficiency. “In setting – and ultimately reaching – their renewable energy goals, Home Depot will reduce emissions while also …
Trillium Submits Comments in Support of EPA’s Proposed Methane Rule
DECEMBER 4, 2015: Trillium Asset Management recently submitted its formal comments in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed methane rule for new and modified sources in the oil and gas industry. Trillium joins members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) who are engaging the oil and gas industry to promote more sustainable practices. On Thursday, December 3rd, ICCR hand-delivered comments to EPA Acting Assistant Administrator Janet McCabe in support of its proposed regulation to curb methane emissions leaks for new or modified fracking operations. We believe this rule is important to investors because methane that …
Trillium Engages Chipotle on Minimum Wage Reform
DECEMBER 4, 2015 // BOSTON, MA: Trillium Asset Management, on behalf of our client The Congregational Council of Plymouth Church UCC of Seattle, recently filed a shareholder proposal at Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG) urging the Board of Directors to “adopt principles for minimum wage reform, to be published by October 2016”. As public protests and commentary about income inequality steadily grows, Americans have become increasingly aware of the problem of low wages and economic inequality. For that reason, we believe that companies need to speak up in support of a minimum standard of living necessary for the health and …
Home Depot to Phase Out Bee-Killing Pesticides
DECEMBER 3, 2015 // WASHINGTON, D.C.: Home Depot (NYSE: HD), the world’s largest home-improvement chain, has announced that it has removed neonicotinoid pesticides, a leading driver of global bee declines, from 80 percent of its flowering plants and that it will complete its phase-out in plants by 2018. This announcement follows an ongoing campaign and letter by Friends of the Earth and allies urging Home Depot to stop selling plants treated with neonicotinoids and remove neonic pesticides from store shelves. “Home Depot’s progress in removing neonics shows it is listening to consumer concerns and to the growing body of science …
Measuring the Carbon Impact of Our Investments
DECEMBER 1, 2015: At Trillium Asset Management, we believe that fiduciary duty requires the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into the investment process as a way to identify the companies best positioned to deliver strong long-term performance. We integrate climate risk into our investment process because we believe that climate change is the defining investment issue of our time. For more than two decades, we have had an active shareholder advocacy campaign focused on getting companies to make commitments to energy efficiency, Green House Gas emissions reduction targets, and purchasing alternative energy. Across all of our portfolios …
Information Regarding Trillium’s Shareholder Proposal at Oracle
NOVEMBER 9, 2015: Trillium Asset Management, along with Green Century Equity Fund, has co-filed a Shareholder Proposal at Oracle Corporation (NYSE: ORCL) asking that: “senior management, with oversight from the Board of Directors, set company-wide quantitative targets by March 2016 to increase renewable energy sourcing and/or production”. Our proposal is #5 on the Oracle 2015 proxy card. Rationale for a “Yes” Vote: • Opportunities – In light of growing data needs, increased renewable energy sourcing may lead to cost savings, improve the company’s license to operate, and enhance U.S. energy security • Risk management – Investing in renewable energy may …
Trillium Co-Sponsoring BSAS Sustainable Investing Seminar
Boston Security Analysts Society’s 3rd Annual Sustainable Investing Seminar will be held on Thursday, November 19th NOVEMBER 5, 2015 // BOSTON, MA: On Thursday, November 19th the Boston Security Analysts Society will host its third full-day Sustainable Investing Seminar. “Sustainable Investing” is often used interchangeably with the terms “Mission-based Investing,” “Green Investing,” “Impact Investing,” “SRI Investing,” “ESG Investing,” and “Ethical Investing.” No matter which term you use, interest in Sustainable Investing is growing. In fact, attendance at this seminar increased by 64% from 2013 to 2014. Designed to help mainstream professionals navigate sustainable investing challenges, this event will bring together …
New White Paper: Investing for Positive Impact on Women
NOVEMBER 2, 2015 // BOSTON, MA: A group of investors has released a new white paper, Investing for Positive Impact on Women: Integrating Gender into Total Portfolio Activation. The paper was prepared by Croatan Institute with the guidance and close collaboration of Global Fund for Women, Root Capital, Thirty Percent Coalition, and Trillium Asset Management. Increasing numbers of investors are integrating the use of gender in investment decision-making. For investors who care about impacting women and girls, an investment portfolio should make gender considerations, along with interrelated issues such as income inequality, supply chain management, and climate change, a core …
US SIF Commends Department of Labor Repeal of 2008 Bulletin
WASHINGTON, D.C. // OCTOBER 22, 2015: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment commends today’s announcement by Secretary of Labor Tom Perez in New York that the administration is rescinding a 2008 bulletin that discouraged investors from considering environmental and social factors in the companies and funds in which they invest. Through his leadership, Secretary Perez is supporting fiduciaries that engage in sustainable and responsible investing, a mission that US SIF has advanced throughout its history. The Department of Labor bulletin on Economically Targeted Investments, 29 CFR 2509.08-1, issued in October 2008, arbitrarily disfavored the consideration of environmental and social …
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