Barron’s Covers Shareholder Proposal Filed at Facebook
Boston, MA // April 4, 2018 – Barron’s and the Financial Times recently discussed Trillium’s risk oversight committee shareholder proposal filed at social networking service company Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) in October 2017. “[Facebook] needs to build a system for meaningful oversight into its DNA, and avoid the constant, reactive, whack-a-mole approach we’ve seen”, said Jonas Kron, Director of Shareholder Advocacy, in response to recent demand from Facebook investors to manage and monitor risks. The shareholder resolution asks the Company to issue a report discussing the merits of establishing a Risk Oversight Board Committee. Establishing such a committee would foster an integrated, …
Investors Demand Action from Facebook as Controversies Mount
Boston, MA // March 19, 2018 – Trillium Asset Management is alarmed by recent revelations that a data firm gained access to personal information of over 50 million Facebook users and that this data may have been used to shape political advertising and influence voters in the U.S. This controversy has justifiably sparked extensive criticism and concern, including from two U.S. Senators who wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman. They wrote: “to express serious concern regarding recent reports that data from millions of Americans was misused in order to influence voters”. Unfortunately, we do not see this as …
Letter to J.B. Hunt Shareholders: Vote Yes for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Proposal
Boston, MA // March 19, 2018 – Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of J.B. Hunt Transport Services (NASDAQ: JBHT) urging them to vote in favor of a shareholder proposal on the company’s 2018 proxy card. The proposal asks J.B. Hunt to adopt company-wide, quantitative, science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its vehicle fleet and operations as well as issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, discussing its plans and progress towards achieving these targets. The letter provides the following rationale for voting “Yes”: There is a strong business case for why JBHT should …
Trillium Featured in As You Sow 2018 Proxy Preview Report
Boston, MA // March 16, 2018 – In a year of rapidly shifting public policy, investors have filed more than 400 resolutions about environmental, social and sustainable governance issues for shareholders to consider this spring. Proxy Preview 2018, a collaboration between Proxy Impact, Si2, and As You Sow, helps investors align their investments with their values and includes analysis and insight on workforce diversity, cyber security, and data privacy from leading experts including Susan Baker, Brianna Murphy, and Jonas Kron of Trillium Asset Management’s shareholder advocacy team. The report addresses the following: A total of more than 400 shareholder resolution filings …
Elizabeth Levy Discusses Divesting from Firearms with Soledad O’Brien
Boston, MA // March 13, 2018 – Elizabeth Levy, Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, and Research Analyst at Trillium Asset Management, recently appeared on Matter of Fact with Soledad O’Brien to discuss the recent call to action from investors to divest from firearms and weapons-related companies in the wake of the Parkland, Florida school shooting. “We see divestment as one of the tools where we need to bring pressure as consumers…it’s just another tool that we can use to keep all of the pressure on these companies”, said Liz in response to using divestment as a strategy. As sustainable and …
New SF Chronicle Op-Ed – Make a Difference: Disinvest From Guns
Boston, MA // March 5, 2018 – On Friday, March 2nd, The San Francisco Chronicle published an op-ed authored by Trillium Asset Management’s Director of Shareholder Advocacy Jonas Kron titled, “Make a difference: Disinvest from guns”. Read the full op-ed below and on Important Disclosure: This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned. It should not be assumed that investments in such securities have been or will be profitable. The specific securities were selected on an objective basis and do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended for advisory clients. Make …
Measuring the Impact of Our Investments: 2017 Product-Specific Impact Reports
Boston, MA // March 1, 2018 – Now more than ever, sustainable and responsible impact (SRI) investors are beginning to track, measure, and assess impact. While measuring the impact of public equities poses many challenges, SRI product ratings (i.e. Morningstar ESG Ratings) continue to help asset managers, consultants, financial advisors, and individuals assess how well companies are managing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. Trillium’s impact reports build upon our 2016 findings and have two primary sections: 1) proxy voting and shareholder advocacy and 2) portfolio exposures in relation to key ESG metrics, such as board diversity, CSR disclosure, and …
Letter to Starbucks Shareholders: Vote Yes for Workforce Diversity Proposal
Boston, MA // February 23, 2018 – Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) urging them to vote in favor of a shareholder proposal on the company’s 2018 proxy card. The proposal asks Starbucks to disclose workforce diversity metrics as well as a description of policies and programs focused on increasing gender and racial diversity in the workplace. The letter provides the following rationale for voting “Yes”: Starbucks’ current diversity disclosures are insufficient Evidence finds that greater workforce diversity may lead to better business outcomes Providing detailed workforce diversity information may contribute positively to …
Webinar Replay: Economic Directions & Shareholder Advocacy Priorities
Important Disclosure: The views expressed are those of the authors and Trillium Asset Management, LLC as of the date referenced and are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice. The information provided is not a recommendation to buy or sell the securities mentioned. The securities were selected on an objective basis for illustrative purposes and do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended. It …
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