Trillium Successfully Withdraws Renewable Energy Shareholder Proposal at 3M
February 4, 2015: Trillium Asset Management (Trillium) is pleased to announce that we have withdrawn our shareholder proposal at 3M (NYSE: MMM) following a commitment from the company that it will set quantitative goals for the sourcing and/or production of renewable energy. The proposal asks the company to incorporate renewable energy into the company’s climate change strategy. To meet these goals, 3M has announced that it will use a mix of on-site production and long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with specific renewable energy projects. In addition to these goals, the company will announce Greenhouse Gas reduction goals in their 2015 …
ICCR’s Corporate Examiner: Corporate “Guest” and “Good Neighbor”: Sasol in Mossville, LA
January 2015: Over the past six years, Trillium has written about shareholder advocacy efforts to bring environmental justice to the community of Mossville, LA. At its peak, the state was home to nearly a quarter of the nation’s polyvinyl chloride (PVC) manufacturers, four of them clustered near Mossville. In all, 14 industrial facilities operated in and around the predominantly African-American community. With a $21 billion price tag, Sasol* is making the largest foreign investment in the state’s history. The company is building a facility, with a foot print extending into Mossville, which will convert natural gas to a variety of …
Investors Commend ExxonMobil: Company Finally Agrees to Protect LGBT Employees
JANUARY 30, 2015: ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM), the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, has finally expanded their Equal Opportunity Employment and non-discrimination policies to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”. In 1999, Exxon merged with Mobil and stripped away the LGBT non-discrimination policies that had been in place at Mobil. Trillium Asset Management (Trillium) filed its first shareholder proposal with ExxonMobil regarding the company’s non-discrimination policies in 2001 and has regularly filed similar proposals since. Trillium’s current shareholder proposal with ExxonMobil*, which was co-filed with the New York State Common Retirement Fund, will be withdrawn in recognition …
Op-Ed: The Impact of Dodd-Frank 1502: U.S. Sustainable and Responsible Investors Respond
Editor’s Note: The following opinion piece, co-authored by Trillium’s Susan Baker, along with Lauren Compere of Boston Common Asset Management, Bennett Freeman of Calvert Investments and Patricia Jurewicz of Responsible Sourcing Network, was published in Responsible Investor on January 23, 2015. JANUARY 23, 2014: As a group of responsible investors with a keen interest in Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Consumer Protection and Wall Street Reform Act—known informally as the Conflict Minerals Provision—and the associated campaign to bring conflict-free mineral sourcing to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Great Lakes Region, we write to respond to Responsible Investor’s recent …
Trillium’s Approach to Investing in the Diversified Financials Sector
By Keith A. Mills, CFA, Director of Research In late 2014, six large, globally focused banks were fined more than $4.3 billion by American, British, and Swiss regulators for their attempted manipulation of foreign exchange rates from 2009 through 2012. These settlements follow other civil and criminal settlements related to alleged residential mortgage foreclosure processing abuses, sales of residential mortgage securities, conspiring to aid tax evasion and not maintaining proper anti-money-laundering controls. As our firm works to ensure that clients are invested in the best companies and investment opportunities, Trillium requires our research analysts to regularly complete thoroughly integrated environmental, …
Strong Public Policy on Methane Emissions from Natural Gas is Vital
By Jonas D. Kron, Esq., Director of Shareholder Advocacy It is well established that methane emissions are a serious climate problem. Methane is a highly potent greenhouse gas—as much as 84 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over a 20-year time period. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the leading international body for the assessment of climate change, estimates that about 30% of the warming we will experience over the next two decades as a result of this year’s greenhouse gas emissions will come from methane. The entire oil and gas supply chain (from production through downstream uses) is the …
Trillium’s Market Commentary & Advocacy Highlights Available for Download
JANUARY 15, 2015: Trillium’s Q4 2014 Market Commentary and Advocacy Highlights are now available to download. “With a positive outlook for the U.S. economy, increasing consumer confidence, falling unemployment, and extremely quiescent inflation, our outlook for U.S. stocks should be extremely positive, and we are, indeed, positive. We continue our positive outlook on U.S. financial markets, despite increased potential risks. We expect U.S. stocks to return about 5% to 6% more than U.S. bonds. While we do believe the Federal Reserve will begin to raise short term interest rates mid-year, U.S. intermediate and long term rates will likely be constrained …
OPEN MIC: Shareholders Press Verizon Board on Net Neutrality
JANUARY 13, 2015 // NEW YORK, NY: Investors in Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ) are once again pressing the company’s board of directors to report on the business risks arising from the company’s opposition to open Internet and network neutrality principles. A shareholder proposal which last year won 26.4% of the shareholder vote – representing $30.6 billion of Verizon shares – has been resubmitted for consideration at Verizon’s 2015 annual meeting. The proposal comes as the Federal Communications Commission is reportedly preparing to propose new open Internet and network neutrality rules at its next public meeting on February 26. Verizon has …
Toledo Blade Op-Ed: ALEC Doesn’t Reflect Business Support for Climate Action
JANUARY 2015: The Blade, a newspaper based in Toledo, OH, recently published an opinion piece by Trillium’s Director of Shareholder Advocacy, Jonas Kron. Jonas writes: “In the past few months, companies such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yelp, Yahoo, and Occidental Petroleum have said they will no longer be members or supporters of the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC, an organization of more than 2,000 conservative state lawmakers and corporations. These companies join about 90 others that have cut their ties to ALEC. Climate change and clean energy are among the central issues that are causing this rethinking, which reflects …
Trillium Files Two Dozen Shareholder Proposals for 2015
Our Firm is Preparing for a Very Active Annual Meeting Season, with 23 Pending Shareholder Proposals JANUARY 12, 2015: Trillium Asset Management’s shareholder advocacy team has filed or co-filed 24 proposals for the 2015 shareholder season. Proposals were filed on issues including climate change, political spending, diversity, Internet privacy, sustainable agriculture and Native American rights. One of the proposals, a greenhouse gas proposal filed with Costco, has already been successfully withdrawn. Concerned investors, including Trillium, are able to move corporations toward more sustainable business practices through dialogue and other methods. However, shareholder proposals continue to play an important role. Providing …
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